
Why career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020

career counselling career guidance

46 Answers

Vibha Gandhi | Certified Career Counselo...

10th of February 2021 | 2 Likes


Career guidance is a very important activity that’s best when done at the earliest stage in life. Career counsellors are well equipped with all the knowledge and skills that can help groom and shape you in the appropriate career path alongside guide and motivate you to select the career that’s best as per your skills, abilities, learning style, personality and attributes. A career professional also supports you in irradiating stress and apprehension that may be caused due to wastage of precious time and money in inappropriate career choice that one realises after investing several years in wrong career path.

Secondly a career counsellor is unbiased, non-judgemental and have scientific approach to guide you on right career choice. Professional guidance taken at early stage enable the students and their parents to plan finance and other support system.

Vibha Gandhi, Certified Career Analyst


10th of June 2021 | 2 Likes


Career, is the lifetime endeavor to an individual. Once he/she chooses an option during his/her career path, there is no u-turn or un-do button to restart. Hence taking right step at each and every stages of career becomes very important, if it is supported by an expert counsellor, it defenetly brings down future regrets. An expert counsellor is one who understands the several personality and skill abilitiy parameters of an individual and at the same time they can clearly define clearly the required traits of each career options. They can help the candidate to identify inborn traits and acquired skills and abilities and to choose only those careers which better suits and take an informed decision. They can direct the candidates to move on the right career path and reach to the aspired career that can give them life satisfaction.

Edumilestones | M.A in Counseling Psychol...

31st of March 2020 | 2 Likes


Based on the advice given by the career counsellor, you decide your career path. So, it becomes imperative that career counselling is done by a seasoned expert who has got a sound knowledge about that particular field. A piece of good or bad advice can have a major impact on your career. 

A trained and expert career counsellor can make your career decisions very easy. 

Kanika Singh | Degree in Psychology, Cer...

17th of March 2021 | 2 Likes


First we need to understand What is Counseling? Counselling means help a person by providing guidance, moral support, and exploring solutions for the problems being faced."Counselling” is usually associated with a professional helping out an individual in need.This professional is a person you can reach out to in times of uncertainty, and who makes sure that your identity and problems remain confidential.

Career counseling is the only reliable way to understand your career choices to make a career in the field you are passionate about.Career counseling helps

 students to find their right career path by examining their core competencies. Deciding a right career path by our own is a barrier in everyone life. Many a time, career suggestions from others take the place of an individual’s real interest.There are so many career opportunities that students might get puzzled often end up taking irrelevant courses and then suffer in an uninteresting job. Career counselling, therefore, is an important aspect to consider before making a career decision. It is a key component in today’s education sector that promises to deliver the best results in terms of education.I being a Professional Career Counselor will say finding and talking to a career counsellor can be the best decision of your life. 

And to get a Career help you can visit my

In today’s world, there is no dearth of data and information, but to have the in-depth knowledge in a particular field takes a lot of effort and time in understanding the information and data available. To be able to guide a student in the right field based on his/her interests and credentials requires the correct knowledge. That’s what an expert career counsellor does, specialises in the field, understands the requirements of the student and guides him/her in the correct career path. So it is essential that career counselling is handled by experts in the field. 
